Monday, January 11, 2010

Home Canning Shelf Life Does Anyone Know How Long (shelf Life) 'home Canned' Veggies Last?

Does anyone know how long (shelf life) 'home canned' veggies last? - home canning shelf life

Usually they have eaten before the next harvest. I wonder if I need a bigger garden and maybe even what will be the life ...


saaanen said...

I keep them until you use them. But I am very careful about how they put on the shelf. You know the first in, first out. I have the canning industry 55 years and I'm still alive and healthy. I've never had food poisoning from my own things. Note that if the seal is bad, the food is mold. You will be able to see the shape. I had bottles of "blowing the lids. Obviously wrong. And if you have a box and no go" swoosh "should be discarded. And cucumbers seem to take forever.

fuzzykju... said...

Not more than two years, even if they are "very" expert in a box! this is not the packer from here but the pits! or bottles, rubber seals do not last more than that, and you can have leaks due to food poisoning

fuzzykju... said...

Not more than two years, even if they are "very" expert in a box! this is not the packer from here but the pits! or bottles, rubber seals do not last more than that, and you can have leaks due to food poisoning

Christal said...

It depends if you use condoms .. I know an Amish family, as a rule he keeps two years and then cook em all before the next harvest for a family to spare them. They say that for this space and pots, but no damage ... But I mean, I work in a pantry of food and canned vegetables regularly hold for two years, says the Ministry of Health, they are good for 15 years .... best by date, while the rust or bulging ... However, the doses of the plant are not at home .... but only an idea ...

I say .. Diet does not live as long as the food of life ... Most have preserved only a few nutrients through the process of canning the left ...

Good luck, and if in doubt, throw it out!

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