Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Acute Pancreatitis More Condition_treatment How Long Do I Have To Wait To Consume Alcohol After Acute Pancreatitis?

How long do I have to wait to consume alcohol after acute pancreatitis? - acute pancreatitis more condition_treatment

I had just cut my first attack of acute pancreatitis and was recommended that the amount of alcohol they consume too. How long should I wait to have my first drink again?


Swizzle said...

I would not drink again. Most EVER. Me too - and can become chronic if you drink alcohol. Try to live without alcohol and O'Doul. Life is simple.

Lisa A said...

An honest question an honest answer. NEVER AGAIN! I think it is alcohol at some point, I wanted to drink, but worth pancreatitis again, because that is what will happen. You may get lucky and not the first shot, but I can promise that with more certainty that you will return pancreatitis if they consume alcohol.
I suffered from pancreatitis for 10 years was not caused by alcohol, I had finally removed in the pancreas that terribly difficult and painful. I do not understand why someone would drink after this disease.
All I can think is that you're an alcoholic, if you have found help. I can tell you that I suffer daily with people of pancreatitis to speak, and most prefer to live this life than to die, why should it be done?

Keith said...

The drinking of alcohol? ha! Im 15, never drank alcohol and had 6 cases of pancreatitis during the last 2 years with no known cause! I have never and will never be able to taste the alcohol. I recommend not to drink and find something else. But I would not prefer alcohol to a painful crisis of pancreatitis.

Samantha... said...

If I were you, I no longer drink because achohol is bad for you! Achohol brain cells and can cause death damages, so did.He it just like my uncle died so do not take a chance, T! Or you can start to drink and some really do not know that I suggest you go to the doctor before taking any trouble.ie would even just 2 or 3 drinks per month for the usual overdose.

Samantha... said...

If I were you, I no longer drink because achohol is bad for you! Achohol brain cells and can cause death damages, so did.He it just like my uncle died so do not take a chance, T! Or you can start to drink and some really do not know that I suggest you go to the doctor before taking any trouble.ie would even just 2 or 3 drinks per month for the usual overdose.

TweetyBi... said...

How long should one wait? A strong word of advice: Forever.

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